function UCFullscreenMenu(menuWrapperID){ var g_menuWrapper, g_isCloseOnOpen = false, g_isCurrentParentItemOpened = false; var g_menuWrapperID = menuWrapperID; var g_currentLocation = window.location.href; var isIconClicked = false; /** * collapse inner section */ function collapseInnerSection(element, link){ var sectionHeight = element.scrollHeight; var elementTransition =; = ''; requestAnimationFrame(function() { = sectionHeight + 'px'; = elementTransition; requestAnimationFrame(function() { = 0 + 'px'; }); }); element.setAttribute('data-collapsed', 'true'); } /** * expand the inner of the section */ function expandSectionInner(element){ var sectionHeight = element.scrollHeight; = sectionHeight + 'px'; element.addEventListener('transitionend', function(e) { element.removeEventListener('transitionend', arguments.callee); = null; }); element.setAttribute('data-collapsed', 'false'); } /** * expand section */ function expandSection(section, objLink){ expandSectionInner(section); section.setAttribute('data-collapsed', 'false') objLink.removeClass("collapsed"); objLink.addClass("expanded"); } /** * collapse the section */ function collapseSection(section, objLink){ collapseInnerSection(section, objLink); objLink.addClass("collapsed"); objLink.removeClass("expanded"); } /** * collapse all expanded sections */ function collapseAllExpanded(clickedItem){ var clickedParentExpanded = jQuery(clickedItem).parents('.sub-menu').prev(); var clickedChildrenExpanded = jQuery(clickedItem).next().find('.expanded'); var objAllExpanded = g_menuWrapper.find(".expanded").not(clickedChildrenExpanded).not(clickedParentExpanded); if(objAllExpanded.length == false) return(false); jQuery.each(objAllExpanded, function(index, link){ var objLink = jQuery(link); var section = link.nextElementSibling; collapseSection(section, objLink); }); } /** * close or open link */ function toggleSection(objLink){ var link = objLink[0]; var section = link.nextElementSibling; var isCollapsed = section.getAttribute('data-collapsed') === 'true'; if (isCollapsed) { //expend current if(g_isCloseOnOpen == true) collapseAllExpanded(link); expandSection(section, objLink); } else { //collapse current collapseSection(section,objLink); } } /** * open or close some item */ function openCloseItem(link, event){ var section = link.nextElementSibling; if(!section) return(true); var objSection = jQuery(section); if(objSection.hasClass("sub-menu") == false) return(true); if(event) event.preventDefault(); var objLink = jQuery(link); var isCollapsed = section.getAttribute('data-collapsed') === 'true'; if (isCollapsed) { //expend current if(g_isCloseOnOpen == true) collapseAllExpanded(link); expandSection(section, objLink); } else { //collapse current collapseSection(section,objLink); } } /** * on menu item click, if sub menu, open or close */ function onMenuItemClick(event){ openCloseItem(this, event); } /** * console log shorcut */ function trace(str){ console.log(str); } /** * init from popups */ function checkInitFromPopups(){ jQuery( document ).on( 'elementor/popup/show', (event) => { runMenu(); }); } /** * expand current item tree */ function expandCurrentItemTree(){ //disable transition var objCurrentItem = g_menuWrapper.find(".uc-list-menu ul .current-menu-item"); if(objCurrentItem.length == 0) return(false); g_menuWrapper.addClass("uc-no-transition"); setTimeout(function(){ g_menuWrapper.removeClass("uc-no-transition"); },300); var objParents = objCurrentItem.parents("li"); if(objParents.length == 0) return(false); jQuery.each(objParents, function(index, parent){ var objParent = jQuery(parent); var objLink = objParent.children("a"); var link = objLink[0]; openCloseItem(link); }); } // collapse all except the current this.collapseAll = function(){ g_menuWrapper.find("ul.uc-list-menu li a").each((i, item) => { var objLink = jQuery(item); collapseAllExpanded(objLink[0]); }); } /* * open current page menu item */ this.openCurrentPageMenuItem = function(){ g_menuWrapper.find("ul.uc-list-menu li a").each((i, item) => { var objLink = jQuery(item); var section = item.nextElementSibling; var objLinkItemHref = objLink.attr('href'); if(g_currentLocation == objLinkItemHref){ if(jQuery(section) && jQuery(section).length > 0) expandSection(section, objLink); var objParentSection = objLink.parents(".sub-menu"); if(!objParentSection) return(true) var objParentLink = objParentSection.prev(); if(!objParentLink) return(true) if(objParentSection && objParentSection.length > 0) expandSection(objParentSection[0], objParentLink); } }); } /* * position fixed protection from parents transform rules */ function protectForFixed(){ //find element with position fixed css rule var objFixedElement = g_menuWrapper.parents('.ue_menu'); //find all parents and look at each one var objFixedParents = objFixedElement.parents(); objFixedParents.each(function(){ var objFixedParent = jQuery(this); //check if parent has one of issued css rules var transformRule = objFixedParent.css('transform'); //if transform is epsent then skip and move to another css rule if(transformRule == 'none') return(true); //if finds transform then remove it objFixedParent.css('transform', ''); //animation-fill-mode var fillmodeRule = objFixedParent.css('animation-fill-mode'); if(fillmodeRule == 'none') return(true); objFixedParent.css('animation-fill-mode', 'none'); //perspective var perspectiveRule = objFixedParent.css('perspective'); if(perspectiveRule == 'none') return(true); objFixedParent.css('perspective', 'none'); //filter var filterRule = objFixedParent.css('filter'); if(filterRule == 'none') return(true); objFixedParent.css('filter', 'none'); }); } /** * run the menu, init */ this.runMenu = function(){ //init globals g_menuWrapper = jQuery("#"+g_menuWrapperID); g_isCloseOnOpen ="closeothers"); g_isCloseOnOpen = (g_isCloseOnOpen == "yes"); var isClickable ="clickable"); if(g_menuWrapper.length == 0){ console.log("menu with ID: "+g_menuWrapperID+" not found!"); checkInitFromPopups(); return(false); } //collapse all except the current g_menuWrapper.find("ul.uc-list-menu li a").each((i, item) => { if(item.nextElementSibling){ var objItem = jQuery(item); var iconPosition ='icon-position'); if(iconPosition == 'start') objItem.prepend(""); if(iconPosition == 'end') objItem.append(""); collapseInnerSection(item.nextElementSibling, item); = "block"; jQuery(item).addClass("collapsed"); jQuery(item).removeClass("expanded"); } }); //init events if(isClickable == false){ g_menuWrapper.find("ul.uc-list-menu li a").on("click", onMenuItemClick); }else{ //pointer click - toggle section g_menuWrapper.find("ul.uc-list-menu li .uc-menu-item-pointer").on("click", function(event){ isIconClicked = true; var objLink = jQuery(this).parent(); toggleSection(objLink); }); g_menuWrapper.find("ul.uc-list-menu li a").on("click", function(e){ //check if icon was clicked if not make sure that no icon found in clicked link if(isIconClicked == true){ var objIcon = jQuery(this).find(".uc-menu-item-pointer"); if(objIcon && objIcon.length > 0){ e.preventDefault(); isIconClicked = false; } } }); } //open the section with current item setTimeout(expandCurrentItemTree,100); //protection for elements with position fixed rule setTimeout(protectForFixed,2000); } }